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SWOT Analysis -
SWOT stands for Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats. In SWOT, the analysis is done on both side i.e., Internally and Externally. Strength and Weakness are checked for the internal functions of the company whereas Opportunity and Threat is checked in the external environment of the company.
As an Investor you should do SWOT Analysis to take the correct investment decisions. Further, it is very easy to do a SWOT Analysis of any company however it requires an in-depth knowledge of the business of the company.
When a company fits in your SWOT and you can additionally perform Porter's 5 Force Model Check, then you should invest in such kind of company as such company will always give you decent return on your capital invested over the period of time.
SWOT Analysis of YES BANK
Chart Analysis-
Yes Bank has given negative return of 80.12% in last one year which means it is trading at much lower levels.
Yes Bank has given negative return of 75.76% in last five year which means it is trading at much lower levels.
Yes Bank is a risky bet and as per above SWOT Analysis, there are equal chances of getting higher return as some points are in favor of Yes Bank and some are not. Do your own SWOT Analysis based on the above SWOT of any company and analyze whether you should invest in a company or not. As per my personal view, Correction in Yes Bank has already done and it will revive and give good returns to the investors in long run.
I will share further feeds soon, till then Happy Learning.